Beatrice and me. |
Beatrice’s pursuers know one thing for a fact; that they are
greedy,wrong and could face prosecution once they allow the rule of the law
to prevail in Zimbabwe. Therefore, they have placed themselves smack dab right
in the middle of political political power struggle ring, to try and make sure that power shall never leave their enclaves. In so doing, sadly, they have led many a Zimbabwean into shame, pain and heavy loss of property and freedom of which they care less. Once vibrant, Zimbabwe's economy is tottering hanging on by the skin of hair while they carouse and spend lavishly then turning around to vehemently deny charges leveled against them of human rights abuse and squandering of national wealth. They do so by denying well-meaning journalists from reporting the truth about them. People like Jestina Mukoko, Geoff Nyarota; Institutions like The Daily News and a whole bunch of others are sworn enemies of their bogus revolutionary movement that has long since abandoned the revolutionary dream. Instead, ZANU (PF) is following a path of a mixture of barbarism and despotism that has seen some disturbing developments on the religious front, with many a religious leader abandoning utmost trust and reverence for God, and dumping their respect on the sole figure of Mugabe, the president. This is supported by many occurrences including a report recently published by Zimbabwean tabloids about a priest Msindo who clearly indicated that he feared only Mugabe and anyone else, goodness knows what about them? Victor Kunonga too, dragged church business into politics a while ago and well, who knows how many other leaders are mingling God's business with politics? The two in my opinion should never mix otherwise things get pretty nasty. Along with many other individuals who use their affiliation to the third of the Government of National Unity which is set to dissolve after the impending elections this year, the mention of the party ZANU (PF) has many people giving up their rightful property, letting go of debt and giving of special privileges to the individuals flaunting the law in broad daylight. Many of those who speak out have been sent to jail without fair trial and representation, and that is where our own Iron Lady Beatrice Mtetwa comes waltzing into the light. It hasn't been easy for her as well.
Let me begin by dismissing all the
rubbish that the media wherever it may be from, that speak ill about Zimbabwe.
Of course, the country has been stumbling for the past decade under wanton
exploitation by ZANU (PF), a political party made of cowards and opportunists
whose activities have been cruel and denigrating to the general majority of the
people. Zimbabwe is a country of peace-lovers, compassionate people among who
dwell brainwashed disciples of the ZANU (PF) religion. Had it been another country, it would have been thrown into irreparable chaos by this time, but the people are long suffering and hopeful that sooner or later, things will change, God willing. That has been the trump card of the opportunists riding on every one's back, they have banked on that the people shall continue to tolerate them till they all expired by natural or other causes. Amongst the people of Zimbabwe,there are brainwashed people who
would go to extremes to protect their political figures and the policies of
this party. There are about similar minded people as well in the opposition, Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai and the other MDC breakaways. In every political formation, there are such people. Over the years, I have noticed that ZANU (PF), given their long track record at the helm of government, among the numerous
problems that they have propagated, is tribalism. There was the notorious Gukurahundi in the eighties which they do not want to really address on national platform. I have only heard about it in stories told by victims and journalists who have done documentaries on the grave event. It is an issue that caused a deep wound on national unity and although it seems to have healed, on the surface, deep under the skin, it still hurts and proper medication has to be administered to eradicate it. Today,you hear people express that they would not like to live under the rule of a Ndebele president, swearing
that that day will never come at all. Similarly, the
Ndebele blame the Shona that they are the ones who have ruined the country,
every one of them and should be driven from Matebeleland beyond Shangani River.
I see clearly the colonialist mentality coming out into the light here because
the white settlers are the ones who created this animosity commonly among the
Shona and the Ndebele so as to keep them divided and weak. At the end of the day, we are
all Zimbabweans, and that is what we are failing to see.
Having an aside with Beatrice. |
Other than that,
Zimbabwe is a great place with loads of potential. There are many people aspiring to bring about a positive change in the country including Beatrice Mtetwa who was arrested on the morning of March 17, 2013
after she responded to a call to attend to her client while the police were
searching him/her premises. Upon arrival, she says, she as usual, requested for a search
warrant from the police who went on ahead and arrested her claiming that she
was obstructing the course justice. Her brief stay in prison has given her yet another
beast to wrestle, the prison system of Zimbabwe which she said is in need of an
overhaul. She spoke about the horrible conditions that women prisoners live in
in incarceration and from the reports that have circulated around, men prisons
are even worse. Beatrice began her career working as a prosecutor for the
Mugabe government until she quit and started practicing privately. She saw
unheard of enormities perpetrated upon journalists, white farmers, ordinary
Zimbabweans, opposition party members and peace activists by the Mugabe
government in their bid to stay in power and rob the country thus more of its
precious resources. In so doing, she has managed to help quite a number of
people get out of the cruel jaws of the law imposed by ZANU
(PF). In fact she is fighting for justice to prevail in the nation and for the
rule of the law which is almost extinct in the country, and that ladies and gentlemen, is her crime!
For a lady her size, she surely has done more than enough to raise awareness and begin a
revolution for change. I met with the Iron Lady at the US Institute of Peace
in Washington DC this month of April and was quite impressed by her
presentation which came after her short film made by independent filmmaker
Lorie Conway. At the end of the presentation, she gave the floor an opportunity
to fire some questions, an opportunity of which I wanted but did not get.
However, those who did ask, asked their questions and the following is some of
the questions and answers, which you may also have had per chance, if not,
watch the space, you will get your responses as her work continues. A brief chat with her, she expressed her passion to see justice being served in Zimbabwean courts and I was quite bawled over by her compassion for the equality of all men advocacy she is fighting for. Some may say that she is all about money, you are fatally mistaken! She has worked on numerous cases without getting paid a penny, all she has done is do the work, see to it that people are served justly and go home to her family. God bless such a spirit!
On being asked why she was on this campaign, including her
short film which chronicles her targeted professional life as she helped loads
of persecuted people get justice till her arrest and beyond, she responded by pointing out
that all that she wanted was a change of governmental behavior in the country.
All that she stands for is peace, equality and the rule of law. Whoever
delivers that, she is content with it. She made it clear from this that she is
not partisan and would not single out individuals by names. It’s a very smart
thing to do and I guess as a lawyer, she knows best how to handle such situations.
She expressed her wish that the upcoming elections should have fair coverage by
observers so as to curb any party from rigging the elections or winning by
other unfair means. So this was an advocacy to raise awareness even prior to
the elections day, knowing the animosity that political party supporters carry
around times like this.
Another questioner observed that the short film was biased
towards demonizing ZANU (PF) and Beatrice passed on the blame to the maker,
Lorie Conway who went on ahead to state that ZANU (PF) principals, other than
Johnathan Moyo were willing to give interviews so as to have a balanced
showcase. Other politicians did not have any problems with it and were
interviewed. Beatrice does not discriminate anyone in her representation. Hers
is a duty to see to it that justice is served to deserving people. She
represented current Police Commissioner of Zimbabwe Mr Augustine Chihuri when
he was vying for the position that he now holds. She says he was not qualified
to contend for the post because the law then disallowed any ex-freedom fighter
from being police commissioner. Today, she pointed out, there are widespread
divorces of high-ranking ministers in the present government and she has
represented the women, quite a significant number for that matter. She called
her clients in these cases, ZANU wives, meaning
that she represented wives of these infamous ministers whose moral conduct is also questionable.
Among those who attended the session were people from the Embassy of Zimbabwe, US Institute of Peace, Zimbabweans with concern for our country's well being (including your truly), people from Voice of America , an ex-client of Beatrice's who works for the British tabloid Sunday Times. who was arrested in Zimbabwe in 2005. The session began with Alejandro Ponce who works with the World Justice Project as Senior Economist giving a brief overview of Zimbabwe's economic performance and rankings alongside Jefferey Smith, an Advocacy Officer with the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights specializing in human rights issues in Southern Africa.