Monday, November 24, 2014

See Show

It is rather ludicrous, the way we have lately been engrossed in the drama unfolding in the ZANU PF camp when matters of real concern are at hand (the threat of ebola for example), the suffering economy hasn't gotten any better, amenities are still in shambles and yet, and yet, everyone takes to speculating over their breakfast tables and online, taking sides with those whose lives currently are set. I think we could do better and take a stand. The reason being that these guys are already well-off. What they are clamoring for is power, the power to make sure they remain at the apex and continue to loot and rule over the us, gullible ones. They are like a cancer which should be exterminated immediately. I have little knowledge of how rulers of the past used to rule, but I believe one thing that they had is empathy. They were in their positions because of the people who marveled them and in turn got political goods delivered in the form of justice, protection and cohesion which gave them a sense of tribal pride. Today, with the advent of westernization and monetary care systems, our leaders have grown so detached from the spirit of Ubuntu and care less about their subjects, let alone their compatriots that they rule alongside with. The main reason we are suffering is because we have abandoned our natural ways, our culture and the mores and values that bound us as people. We can not see that what they are doing is entirely the opposite way of how things should be done because secretly, we covert their positions. They too coveted the white men when he was in power that is the reason they have turned out to be the same way as the white man who ruled before them. It's all vanity and a  big comic show whereby the same people who fought side by side in the liberation war are now suspecting each other of betrayal and dethronement, who cares? That should have been a fight kept inside the house, now if you see linen being hung out to dry, that is a sign that there is no being serious by these ZANU PF people. How can we expect sincerity from people who have shown that their primary concern is to be solidly in power, and yet I thought that public appeal is what warranted one's stay in office. And to spectate that is mere folly in itself. In my opinion, the government is decided upon by people and if there is so much squabbling going on then that should send signals to everyone else that the ship is sinking and noone has time to look at budgets, attend to matters of worth because they are first looking out for themselves, what a bunch of selfish hyenas.

I strongly protest against the fact that the whole nation must wait, sit and wait to see the outcome of this possible bloodbath. Who does ZANU PF think they are to hit the pause button so as to tend to matters in the house. We have far more important concerns at hand. It seems like squabbles have taken center hold on Zimbabwean politics. The same happened with the MDC after they were cheated at the elections. Now letters of infidelity are making headlines and ministers holding rallies just to destroy each other's credibility. Is that what people who are at work supposed to do? Are we human or a bunch of puppets who just get involved in affairs that have nothing to do with us just because the president is involved or his wife or whoever it is. For people to attend a meeting and be told that is an insult plus utter disrespect. We go to rallies to be told plans, to ask questions, not to be indoctrinated and bought into taking sides. That has been our problem since time immemorial. We seem to warm up to anyone who rises and takes the reigns. The white men did that and before we could open our eyes, they had taken every square inch of our land, now these lads and girls immature as they are are chasing each other up the street and down another, yet we fail to see that they are doing it for their own interests. So what? If Mugabe dies today, the country has to go to the ballot. It is not Mugabe Republic, that is why we all agreed on the name Zimbabwe and we haven't sold it yet to anyone. So why are speculations of his successor making headlines? Are we not just getting sucked into the vortex of dangerous peril? I think we are and we have long since stopped questioning why is that so? Why are we not asking every clown in this to please, go home and resolve your issues, meanwhile, we are taking matters into our own hands and rectifying what you destroyed. We have been beaten into submission and the only thing we could do is to complain, (just like this) and or just talk about it behind closed doors. I think we all are to blame, giving these people the impression that we owe it to them and hence their asinine behavior. They are like a group of donkeys at an ash heap.

Why should we allow this to happen? Whatever happened to us?