I heard a friend an individual discussing with a friend a very sad fact, that if people are unable to speak one language in another part of the country which has a different language prevalent, they should not be educated in that part of the country. The sad thing about that is, if people find sense in that, that will actually bring about sectionalism and we slide back into the days where one of a different tribe would not have a very good time in another section where the other tribe was dominant. I am talking about Bulawayo and Harare that are predominantly Ndebele and Shona respectively. You can hardly spend 48 hrs without hearing people complain about the fact that there is so many of the, eg, Shonas in Bulawayo stealing the jobs of the Ndebeles. Now that is signs of a manifestation of a spirit that is both dangerous and counter-productive. At this time I believe Zimbabweans need to bag these petty differences and focus on one thing, The Nation. It is more like the Rhodhesian era is still there, lurking somewhere in the atmosphere because of such talks, people who talk the way the colonisers would have wanted, divided. When they came, the colonialism discovered that as a united front, the people were difficult to rule, and then they propagated these petty divisions, treating some natives better than the others and then pretending to trust the and sending them to spy on their fellow brothers and report them to be rewarded with 'good boy' and a pat on the back. It must have been the most humiliating experience for conscience minds to go through this, but well then, the system had been set and no one could really do so much.
Today, those differences are finding their way back into our midst counteracting our productivity. At this time, a very crucial time for all forces to be on board, every man, woman, child has to know that in Zimbabwe, we are one, one nation and one people. We are a diverse group of people who speak differently and so, we have to accommodate each other, teach each other how so s to be able to communicate together at all times. If we did not know, a nation divided is a danger to itself and a very easy target for foreign manipulation, invasion and contempt. Just look at the way Zimbabweans are treated in South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, UK, USA, everywhere they go, not many people have nice words to say and that is caused by people like the fine people who are promoting divisional living and leaving the government to get away with its lack of doing something about it. I really believe that people should prioritize this issue of the reconciliation of tribes and promote oneness, be committed to both God and country and as a people of a nation, I do believe we should have one hope and one goal, to rebuild the country. Politicians may try to politicize our minds but let us give no room for consideration of those thoughts.
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