Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The next government after Mugabe.

Mugabe is going to go, one way or the other. I do not say this in an insidious way but in the natural way, everyone shall cease and pass on to the next stage of their lives. Just like Mandela once was, Abe Lincoln, Idi, Patrice de Mac-Mahon, Kamuzu Banda, Churchill and all of them, came and went and so is Mugabe. Whatever notion he has rubbed on to his supporters that he shall reign till the donkeys grow horns just show how stubborn and vain he and his supporters are. I mean nothing is entirely wrong about the man, if I did see everything wrong about him, I would not be a legitimate countryman and son of the soil too. I too believe in fair distribution of land. I too, am a firm supporter of black empowerment in the nation and I too, am a firm believer in equality and the divinity of God on top of all that.

I was having a very interesting conversation with a man who claims to hold an office in the party led by the president incumbent via email and he had a lot to say and most of it was nothing but dogma. He tried by all might to make me believe what was indoctrinated to him and I listened  I did not shut him down so that he reveals me more of what his party believes in and I concluded that all he wanted in this party are personal gains. That is not patriotism, not at all, that men and women gang up starting a political formation so that they can masquerade as politicians and drain the country of its resources. I read recently about the story of reserve bank governor Gideon Gono and his former right hand man, Munyaradzi Kereke about the corruption  charges being laid on the governor and how it is reported that he said he can not be arrested because of what he did for the country, well that was his job, wasn't it? Was he not getting paid? Unless the whole nation begged him to take the job of reserve, then we can listen to him say he can't be touched, otherwise, he deserves to be dealt with lawfully and accordingly.

Here brothers and sisters, is what Zimbabwe wants in the next ruler of our golden nation.
A president whose primary function is to drive the state to securing the nation's sovereignty and territory. To this, we do not have problems with regards to the territory, no threats except for the case involving the Zambezi Water Project in which Zambia and Botswana are having issues with the Zimbabwe drawing water out of the Zambezi river.

Secondly, the country needs a president who will reduce domestic threats. The securing of the independence of the native people of the country is not the end to the threats that we are exposed to. Currently, there are so many problems facing Zimbabweans in the country caused by advances of other nations, spread of epidemics like Cholera, Malaria, HI Virus, and many others.

Thirdly, the next president should be able to establish a good judiciary system, one that is able to enforce the constitution of the nation. The current corruption in the judiciary system is because of the fact that Mugabe installed cronies in places that people have to turn to in case of them seeking justice and in the end, he lives above the law and can manipulate the constitution as he wishes.

The next president should truly help to create the zeal in people to practice democracy. As people usually follow the order from the top, as currently, many people are caught up in corruption because they will say, when you ask them, everyone is corrupt, even government ministers are, which is a true statement. So the next president has to be able to inspire people to practise democracy and include them in the decision making process of the nation, because, a government is for the people. It is quite ironic that one of the current parties in the government, ZANU (PF) to be specific, used to sing a lot about a government for the people by the people and it turned out that the people being represented were the people in the party ranks, not anyone else. That is not what we like in out nation.

The current business situation is not conducive for the economy to thrive. First, it is because there is a heavy involvement of politics in the nation's economy. How on earth would we have serious investors if war veterans would take over any seriously operating business? Not to exclude them out of businesses if they so wish, but I believe the proper way to do this is by having them, for example, form cooperatives that are invested in, by independent investors and even themselves and life goes on blissfully. At the moment, the Indigenous Empowerment Programme is benefiting the government ministers and people who have connections in the government and those at the Zimbabwe Investment Authority because they trap investors before they even go anywhere and the rest of the population lives on. For this reason, Mr Mugabe has to cede the office and let another person to continue with the good work he has started. The next president has a task of creating a stable business environment and work hard to attract investment and promote exports by fostering trade relation all over the world, promote Zimbabwean production so that industry may be revived and once again, there is employment and prosperity once more. There are lots of opportunities for our industry in mining, agriculture, manufacturing and even the tertiary industry where we need services such as insurance, finance etc. All these presently are almost defunct because of corruption there is nothing is going on at the moment and its not like there are no opportunities, there are vast opportunities that are being kept under by the unfriendly policies the government has chosen to adopt and its very sad a case of ours.

The next president should focus on rebuilding the health care system of the country. Not many people talk about this when we talk about the presidency but it is one of the most pertinent issues in our country. University of Zimbabwe has churned out lots of medical professionals and most of these are found working at foreign institutions because they are paid better, and of course that shows a lot of respect for the time and money they spent in school acquiring the skills of their trade. It is ironic that the chief whips of our country seek medical attention in foreign countries including Comrade Mugabe himself who was recently reported to be in and out of hospital in a foreign country. Now one may ask, what is wrong with our own healthcare system? It has gotten so bad that even the ones responsible for its upgrade do not trust it. Is that a good sign of leadership? It is nasty, and terrible and if we were truly a people who sort justice, we would have stopped him from flying away to seek medical attention because, one, he would be spending millions of dollars supposed to be spent on something vital in the country. If I may ask, how is his health different from that of a three year old baby living in Chivi who needs cholera medication? This should be addressed and we make sure that the next president does not take the whole country for a ride.

The president should strongly advocate for Zimbabwe oriented solutions that embrace Africa and then the world. It has been the past mistake of many African states to allow western countries to give them solution to their problems and they have increased the dependency that they have had on them, opening a way for the latter to manipulate them. An example of this is the mistake of Esap in the 90s that the country plunged into a very serious predicament and also in that light, the failure by the late Malawian president to deal with the issue of gays and lesbians in his country, being pushed into a corner by the United Nations and other Western nations by being threatened with withdrawal of donor funding. Now the question is, would a leader of a nation reverse a decision that he made, in the capacity of his position because someone has threatened him with something, God bless his soul but that was unprofessional of a president. One thing that I feel makes up a leader is the conviction he has in what he believes in, and of course it has to be moderate but if a man goes back and forth, it is scary to leave him in an office such as of presidency. Thus, a grand programme, run by an elite group of wise Zimbabweans, they may be elders, or professionals, but having the nation at heart and an ability to come up with smart solutions for the benefit of the country at large. Of course, in this age of global networking, it is vital that the country participates in international affairs and takes advice from everywhere but still thrive to safeguard Zimbabwe oriented solutions to our own problems.

The next president should work hard to eliminate the ethnic and even racial tensions existing in the country. As a young person who has been in the country, I am not dreaming when I say there is a lot of racial and tribal tension in the country. Whatever is being presented as that problem having been done away with is complete baloney. Except for artists, that I have seen working in harmony with each other, there has been a great deal of nepotism in the workplace and everywhere else and there is talk about tribal injustices every time in the streets. The people of Matebeleland, are still smarting from the Gukurahundi period which left thousands of their kinsfolk dead after the Perence Shiri led genocide. This issue is never going to go away until some sort of reparation has been paid to these people and they get incorporated into the affairs of the nation substantially. If left unattended, this issue can grow and fester into something nasty in the future because they all talk about it and yet are not given a proper answer when they ask the issue to be dealt with.

Finally, the next president should resuscitate the other vital sectors of the nation that include health, education, agriculture,women and youth rights, art, science and development and many more programmes that will ensure that Zimbabwe bounces back and bounces back for good. He/she should not necessarily be the head of a political party because that is part of the tell-tale signs of a despot, and they also should be also able to foster unity and have a driving vision that all will want to participate in to change the course of events in the country. To everyone else who is not president, cooperation and patriotism is the way to go because each and every individual has in their own right, the power to build the nation.

God bless Zimbabwe!!

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