We've heard and seen them; high profile meetings of government officials sitting in for special deliberations about issues pertaining to national security, national financial well being and even national morality. The issues that are discussed and voted for in parliaments, congress or any other building that houses such important men and women of any sovereign nation. Concerns such as the debt ceiling, immigration, sanctions, war declaration etc are all kept away from the public (the real material). Only bits and pieces, biased are let out to the press and embargoed before they are consumed by avid masses.
Long time ago, when Africa was still not called that, and perhaps Europe was called that, long before America was even invaded by the Europeans, chiefs and kings led kingdoms that prevailed in the numerous wars fought over territories on the plains of what we now know as Africa. These chiefs led armies of well trained men who were dedicated to fight for their honor. Affairs of their states were discussed during times of crises as as well as during resting hours, mostly in the evenings after dinner. Most villages had diners where all men congregated and their wives brought them their food and they ate as they shared ideas and made plans. What these men agreed on were things they all saw as beneficial for the entire population and everyone mattered; because they were a tribe. Most texts will point out that democracy was pioneered by the Greeks but these are just suggestions of a few while the rest of us know and believe that democracy began or was prevalent in Africa by the time it was also being practiced in Athens and even before.
Today, democracy has been beaten badly out of shape. Many countries claim to subscribe to the ideals of democracy where the voice of every member of the society matters. Practically, it is not the case; they are dictators, plutocracies, autocracies you name them that are running on a lie that they are democracies. Wars have been fought due to disagreements between nations or factions in a nation eg, WW1 and 2, unrest in Syria, Congo, Central African Republic, Afghanistani. The Cuban crisis, had it gone on to be a war was going to change the face of the earth, however, it was diffused and books have been written from this events. In all wars, something terrible has always happened, innocent civilians and children have died. Children have been handed the gun and told to shoot and kill, however, the reasons remain under the carpet. With the loss of people involvement in the affairs concerning their national well being, more and more dogma has been spewed their way and there has been an increase in senseless following by people and terrible loss of life due to clashes. If a solution could be fathomed at all to stop this madness, it wouldn't come no better in a form to minimize the effects.
Today's political fronts, politicians and players in the industry have created a multi-billion dollar money spinning scam out of politics. Large corporations align themselves with governments and government officials in order to exploit people and other natural resources. We talk about multinationals such as Coca-Cola, mining entities such as Marikana, Zimplats, Mbada Diamonds. What happens is, in a truly democratic country, where resources are left to be used by by people for their benefit. The president of the United States of America, acting in accordance to the wishes of a company that has fed millions of people across the country and the world experimental and unhealthy genetically modified foods, signed a bill to protect it from Federal courts just in case it was dragged there and hence the signing of the Monsanto Protection Act.
What is actually happening is, in a truly democratic country, people's voices are heard. Perhaps we wouldn't be having all these wars, all this looting by government officials across the world. We certainly wouldn't be having a concentration of power on a few individuals who then go on to abuse it. A result of this has been anguish and suffering for innocent people who practising their democratic right vote individuals into power. If we look at things properly, every and one of all presidents in the world have lied to people for election. They have promised high heavens and yet have turned out to deliver hades once installed. For how many more years shall ordinary people keep on to be lied to and abused all in the name of democracy? This lie, perpetuated for hundreds of years now has to be crushed by people. The Egyptians have lately been known to be intolerant of rascals as such. A year into Muhammad Morsi's reign, they dethroned him for his incompetency.
With elections merely a week away in Zimbabwe, people are excited and have been fed contesting parties manifestos. Some of what was said makes sense but the rest of it is mumbo jumbo, ancient promises from 1900 that have never been fulfilled before. What makes me wonder is, how will they be effected if they have never been in the past thirty something years. There has always been talk about development of indigenisation that so far has been heavily partisan although every one in the country who deserves it has not been served. In their manifestos, major parties have scantily outlined that they are going to create more job opportunities, something they have failed to prove while working for the Government of National Unity. One may come to their defenses and say, they sabotaging each other, but that is no valid excuse because if that is the case, none of them deserve to be in the government if they put their feelings and importance before the people of Zimbabwe's. In writing, I still have to see an elaborate plan, budgets and cash flows showing how they intend to generate all their fancy promises, otherwise it is all but just talk. Unfortunately, tired and expectant, the people were quick to buy these promises and are on their way to yet another disappointment on July 31. How can rampant corruption and blatant disrespect of nationally valued resources suddenly disappear in a newly elected government. Given more time, by the ballot, they will wring the nation of its last diamond, gold and anything of value while people continue to languish in dire poverty.
We need to stop and think before empowering yet another bunch of no- gooders to happily stuff themselves at the expense of millions who are gullible. I of course have no regrets for my words for I have seen this happen and efforts to stop this have been met with snide commentary and nothing done to resort the issue. I love Zimbabwe and every other country. It's the heartless politicians and the government officials who have not a grain of care in their hearts who should answer to God for their atrocities, otherwise, we the people should run the affairs of the country, they are only overseers and nothing else!
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