Saturday, July 19, 2014

Is our president capable of demagoguery?

Fry and Laurie gave me this start. However, let me delve into this and ask right away. Is our president, Robert Gabriel Mugabe capable of demagoguery? Is his victory over the years since 1980 and before attributable to his rhetoric prowess? I would like to think so. This has been the deadly tool that he has wielded over the people of Zimbabwe, aided by his heartless use of excessive force, the law and force-men and women who are too brainwashed to rationalize their acts. Mugabe's words have been the venom that has poisoned our people and as long as his tongue is not cut, he will continue to spew this substance and continually weaken the will of people, every individual.The famous 'Blair keep your England and I will keep my Zimbabwe' made rounds among local folks and internationally. It put the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair in his place, supposedly and made it clear to the colonizing world that Zimbabwe was not ready for colonization, again, by white foreigners. He did not say this, but his and his friends actions' implied. Zimbabwe is ready to be a colony, of local politicians, those who had, and still have, the nerve to wreck the country's potentiality.According to a report ran by the daily news recently, Zimbabwe fell on the ranks of being an investment hub by foreign stakeholders. The survey was carried out by the Brookings Institute, where ever it is from.

It is a crime to write or say things against the leader, apparently and yet, it is not a crime to walk over the entire population of suffering individuals many of whom are seeking ways of getting out of the heat. The president's demagoguery has dwelt so much on the badness of western countries who in their own right are bad and also good, just like every other government, a necessary evil to use the very words of one wise guy. He has harassed the ears of his listeners with rhetoric about the sanctions imposed on the country's ruling elite since the beginning of the agrarian land reform programme. The sanctions however, have however destroyed the livelihood of ordinary people leaving the rich band of political leaders ruling the country barely hurt by them. They still travel to other parts of the world to spend lavishly the money they loot from the country while all the faculties of government are going down. These casualties include health, education, manufacturing, taxation, mining and a horde others which we all know of. The three million something people who are out of the country would not necessarily have left if the brood of vipers was not making merry with the vital resources of the nation. Britain and America have constantly been on the lips of our president as the baddest of all nations seeking to overthrow him and install their puppet, then Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC. The MDC leader and his friends including those in support of him have also been the butt of the president's blunt jokes, laughed at only by diehards, or rather, hangers on, or people who had nothing better to occupy their time than sit around in stadiums being fed sadza and beef with cabbage to top it of with his demagogic garbage.

There was Johnathan Moyo (Prof), a character whom the demagogic president ululated when he walked into the political arena, on his side, in the year 2000 till 2005, serving in the Ministry of Information. This scheming man was a genius, more of an evil genius who implemented one of the greatest control schemes known to the people of Zimbabwe. Moyo made it possible for the talent of the country to be put to waste as well as the resources of the same place burnt for reasons of propaganda. Goebbels would have shaken his hand for a scheme well thought and well implemented. The songs by Pax Afro, Nonsi and the rest of them, the jingles like Chave Chimurenga were on every little kid at play out around all neighbourhoods, in the countryside everywhere. It is rumored that Moyo actually penned the songs and jingles himself showing how much of a brainy person he is, but just siding with the wrong guys. Had he stayed, with the rate at which he was creeping into people's souls, he would have hypnotized the whole nation.

Nkosana Moyo once served as the Minister of Industry and International trade for a brief period. Mugabe, sly Mugabe had seen the immense knowledge the man possessed in the field of business and harnessed him to his wagon. Moyo did not last long, apparently appalled by the level of corruption and non-seriousness of his fellow ministers, the rampant attacks on businesses and farms by zealous ZANU PF supporters and perhaps tired of his leader's rhetoric and also sensing that the ship was sinking, he resigned and Mugabe, dear sweet old Mugabe launched an angry tirade against him calling him 'spineless' and not regretting his departure from government. He then went on and descended on one of his speeches about the revolution on that day he lambasted Moyo for growing cold feet saying,
Our revolution.....was not fought by cowards. If some of you are getting weak-kneed, tell and we will continue with the struggle.
 At the death of every member of the supporters of his party, former freedom fighters who remained loyal to him throughout his mad ride, he always makes sure he attacks those who are not in support of his movement, his corrupt heftily paid bureaucrats, his drunk, greedy compatriots, his non-caring partners, his selfish vision-less brood.

If any man tells you to sacrifice and be steadfast, maybe fast and do without for the sake of the country, if that man is the leader of that country, telling his people to do without money, which they have to use to pay bills and buy food, send children to school and all that, and then he goes on to get into a very lavish vehicle and ride off in a cavalcade to his luxurious residents where servants will rush to serve him a very warm and delicious dinner while those he was telling to take it easy and go slow, sacrifice for the country have to face a ten kilometer journey home to nothing and starving kids, that man is an imbecile, a lunatic who is self-delusional and cruel just like the devil himself. That man must be castrated right away because he has no shame at all. His heart is cold and whatever comes out of his mouth is but filth and rubbish. Apparently, president Mugabe befits this description. The man was telling civil servants who are striking for money to take it easy then blaming the millions who ran away. In other words the man is actually mocking them, for allowing him and his friends to get rich, award themselves hefty salaries while the people who are doing the actual work are living in squalid conditions. It's a pity we have respect for each other in our lovely country, our strikes and demonstrations are peaceful. The only non-peaceful people are the police and soldiers who in panic, try to stop any form of demonstration where nothing is broken like in other countries.

And the people clapped and cheered when the president was done talking, half of them understood what he said. or needed anything to do with it.

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