They must be having a laugh in Beijing right now as they have managed again to increase their current asset figure in the loan made to a small African country at the southernmost tip, next to it actually to the tune of $100 millions. I am ecstatic that we now have $100 million worth of new equipement that will help improve hospitals' capacity to help people seeking help. I guess everyone should be clapping their hands and if they can get near him, slap the president in the back and congratulate him for a job well done. China's main aim is to make money, lend money and own whoever it lends money to. America is in books as a huge debtor and when I come to think of it, I think the clever Chinese may have gotten Mugabe to sign the papers for those medical vehicles and machines and bring them with a payment note attached, maybe in the form of diamonds. Why did we not get to have the Chinese give us the diamonds in exchange of the diamonds without the loan? Could we not have arm twisted them into supplying what we need for them to mine our minerals, send their Chinese defense to Chiadzwa and mine our stones. How is the appropriation ratio of the produce at Chiadzwa given the number of companies involved, plus the ministers and their business partners? What trickles finally to the coffers of the Ministry of Mines is loose change really.
Looking at the Chinese deal, it still is rather an unfair arrangement as the Chinese have a well known reputation for selling to Africa and other third world countries their sub-standard goods which will hardly last any long. I bet you, the equipment will long be commissioned out of service due to inoperability as the loan would still require payment. What president Mugabe should have done or perhaps he did, to request manufacturer warranty on those products so that the loan will be repaid without much grumbling or anything of that sort. Other than that, it is but a rubbish deal. We should really make sure that the number of years that equipment is in use is recorded in order to be deemed useful or else, we were shortchanged, kudos to Mr Xi Jinping and your team!
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